About me

I am a Psychosexual Therapist on the College of Sexual and Relationship Therapist's (COSRT) Supervisory Register and I work with individuals, couples, and professional supervisees. I undertook my Cognitive Behavioural Training in California but work in an integrative style using attachments and neuropsychology as an underpinning.

I have a diploma in Adult Education and have lectured in the UK, Germany, and Hong Kong. I was the former Training Manager for The College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists (COSRT) and conducted training days and masterclasses for the profession around the UK and Ireland.

I have two professional Fellowships: from The Association of Counsellors & Psychotherapists in Primary Care (CPC), and The College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists (COSRT).

I am a member and supervisor of The Specialist Treatment Organisation for the Prevention of Sexual Offending (StopSO).