Frequently asked questions
Can you help me fix my problem?
It is good that you have reached out to someone for help your issue. You need to be active in our work together and not be passive expecting me to ‘fix’ things. Being as honest as you can during the sessions is vital and contributes to the success of therapy. The more you participate in the work we do together the more likely you are to find it helpful. You may need to work on the issues we discuss in our sessions in your own time, and I may give you ‘homework’ tasks to carry out in your own time.
Are we just having a chat, or is there more going on than that?
Therapeutic sessions are more than just a chat. They can be difficult, intensive, and sometimes challenging. You will be accessing thoughts and emotions you didn't realise you had, like guilt, shame, anger and sadness. Therapy requires courage and a lot of commitment to keep going when it can be difficult or even painful. You are the only person in your life who can bring about change, and therapy can give you the confidence to do it. But beware! Sometimes, in therapy, you get worse before you get better.
How do I know it will help me?
We will set goals to bring about the change you are looking for, and try to achieve them. However, if you feel that therapy is not meeting your expectations it would be helpful to discuss this openly.
Are these sessions confidential?
This therapeutic work will be confidential within the Code of Ethics of the College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists (COSRT) and I am bound by these. However, in the UK, therapists are not allowed to offer absolute confidentiality. There are laws that require disclosure to the relevant authority in situations of harm to children or vulnerable adults, money laundering, and the prevention of terrorism.
If I tell you that I have inappropriate thoughts or feelings, will you tell the social services or the police?
If you are particularly worried about your own behaviour, or are fearful of ‘crossing the line’ into inappropriate behaviour, it is better to share this with me as soon as you are able. You will not be judged.
If you reveal to me during our sessions that someone else is at risk, either a child or a vulnerable adult, I will encourage and support you to take appropriate action for yourself. However, if you are unwilling or unable to do so, I reserve the right to breach your confidentiality and to contact any relevant agency.
What information will you keep about me?
I am committed to maintaining the privacy of all past, existing, and future clients and supervisees. I have a privacy policy that I provide to all new clients, which details all information kept and informs you of your rights and protections of privacy under the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR). Please contact me if you wish to be sent this policy in advance of making a booking.